See Squadron Constitution
With a similar aim in many ways to Scouts, Guides, the Army Cadet Force and the Sea Cadet Corps, the Air Training Corps is a youth organisation within the Royal Air Force Air Cadets which enjoys a special relationship with its parent service the Royal Air Force.
Whilst operational command & control lies with the Commanding Officer and staff, the Civilian Committee is there to support the squadron commander to further the objects of the Air Training Corps (‘the ATC’) as contained in the Schedule to the Royal Warrant as amended from time to time but in particular to support activities which foster the spirit of adventure amongst the squadron’s cadets and develop their qualities of leadership and good citizenship.
The Committee are trustees of the Squadron Non-Public Sports & Welfare Fund which is a charitable fund used, primarily for the direct benefit of the squadron’s cadets. We are an Excepted Charity.
The committee is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Squadron Association of which parents/guardians are automatically members along with the elected committee, the Wing Chairman and other interested parties such as RAFA & RBL.
The Committee usually meet every 6 weeks and the CO, Chaplain and Squadron President are in attendance.
2023 AGM Minutes & Statement of Accounts 22-23
2022 AGM Minutes & Statement of Accounts 21-22
2021 AGM Minutes & Statement of Accounts 20-21
Statement of Accounts 19-20 (no AGM held due to the pandemic)